BOD Minutes – March 19, 2014
Summary of the Minutes of NCR-SCCA Monthly Board of Directors Meeting
March 19, 2014
Present: Buddy Matthews, Steve Rose, Mark Senior, Rex Deffenbaugh, Sam Fouse, James Shanks, Ginny Condrey, Blair Stitt, John Lindquist, Annie Lindquist, Steve Keadle, Heather Powers, Bruce Dover, and via phone, Blair Deffenbaugh.
1. The NCR BoD meeting was called to order by Rex Deffenbaugh, RE, at 7:37 pm on Wednesday, March 19, 2014, at Tobacco Road Sports Café, 280 S. Mangum St #100, Durham, NC 27701.
2. The RE introduced guests in attendance: Ginny Condrey, Mark Senior, and Bruce Dover.
3. Motion (Shanks/Lindquist) to approve the minutes of the BoD meeting of February 19, 2014; passed.
Financial Report: Treasurer, Steve Keadle, reported that we have approximately $55,000.00 cash in the bank. There was discussion amongst the BoD on different ways to get entrants to pay by check to avoid credit card fees. We are $11,600 in the red for the year, and because there was no March race, there is no income to report.
Old Business:
- 800 phone number. It was reported to the BoD by Ginny Condrey that the process to eliminate our 800 phone number has begun.
2. Gate Passes. James Shanks spoke to the BoD about how in 2007 this BoD agreed that when a new member joined the NCR, we would offer them free gate passes. The passes were in PDF format in which said member could simply follow a link, and print the passes out. James discussed that when we switched to our new website, the PDF file went away and we could no longer use this link to give new members. James would then take the time of sending new members the printed page containing 4 gate passes. Due to the recent problems we have encountered giving away large volumes of passes to car clubs, and registration not necessarily being open when people arrive, this has caused issues with VIR staff. James raises the question of how we can still give these gate passes to new members, and who would handle it. This would not necessarily be a problem due to the low volume of this type of pass being given out but the pass would need to be specific to the event. It was agreed by the BoD that we would need a pass that could be given out that would be recognizable by VIR security, and would be specific to the event being attended.
New Business:
- Coffee mug gift. Sam Fouse passed around a coffee mug mock-up to the BoD. This coffee mug will be a gift at our April Majors event, given to both workers and drivers. The sample showed two versions of our Region’s logos. It was reported that Jeff Eng helped in the design of the mugs. Sam also reported that SCCA is going to credit the Region $1500 to support the mugs as a gift. The BoD was extremely pleased not only with the mug designs, but with Sam and Jeff’s hard work in not only the design, but also with obtaining financial support from National. It was approved by the BoD that we will use the newer version of the Region’s logo, and that we would allow a quantity of around 500 of these mugs to be produced. There was a big round of applause for both Sam and Jeff’s work.
- Sound Meter. It was reported to the BoD by Ginny Condrey that our Region’s sound meter has a broken switch. Repair parts are no longer available for this model. If we were to trade this unit in, it would be worth $200 toward a new sound meter at a cost of $1300. It was decided by the BoD that since we are not required to take sound readings at VIR, that we would hold off on this purchase, and take another look at having our current meter repaired.
- Chapters
a. Cape Fear. (No Report)
b. Triangle. James Shanks reported that 16 members attended the March Chapter meeting. Discussed at the meeting were details of the last BoD meeting, along with the upcoming Majors race at VIR and the free entry being given away. The Chapter applauded driver Chuck Hines for his recent passing of driver’s school in order to get his competition license back after a suspension. Also discussed were the varieties of ways one can now obtain an SCCA competition license.
c. West. Buddy Matthews reported that 12 members were able to attend the last meeting. A member of the Chapter raised the question of why we were only having a single SECS race running concurrently with our SARRC/MARRS event. The BoD discussed that if a Region hosts a Majors event in a calendar year, they are not allowed to host more than a single SECS event. Also discussed at the West Chapter meeting was the desire to have the banquet in Greensboro this coming year. Last, Pete Romonawski has decided to head up the Region’s picnic this summer and a date for the event would be announced by the next BoD meeting.
- Committees
- Membership. James Shanks reported that our membership is now up to 764 members.
- Comp. Board. (no report)
- Solo. (no report)
- PDX/Time Trials. Mark Senior discussed a program that National is doing to simplify the PDX program by piggy backing with Solo events. This process would make it easier to put on this type of event. Fewer workers would be needed and it would eliminate much of the red tape if we wanted to co-host an event with another club. Insurance for an event would also be easier to obtain. Steve Keadle strongly suggested that we need to co-host an event with the Tarheel Sports Car Club this year at VIR. The BoD asked Mark Senior to set this up.
- Publicity. Bruce Dover discussed the recent e-mail blasts and a very high percentage open rate of said e-mails. He also discussed the new e-mail address that will send correspondence to current BoD members. Also discussed was an e-mail Jim Creighton sent out that had an incorrect date for our Majors event of April 11th. Sam Fouse discussed this date problem with Jim and he refused to send a correction notice. Sam also discussed an e-mail sent to him by National that contained 1550 e-mail addresses of current licensed drivers that we can use in our e-mail system. 900 of these drivers are in Florida alone.
- Charities. James Shanks had been contacted by folks in the Fayetteville area about an upcoming car show. The BoD had not shown much interest in this event as booth rent is expensive and it might be difficult to get the membership to support the event.
- Banquet. It was brought up again that the Cape Fear Chapter might be interested in hosting our annual banquet again. Also showing an interest in the West chapter.
- Awards. James Shanks reported that he has performed his last duty as Awards Chairman. He has sent out an updated spreadsheet showing the recipients of awards over the last several years.
Motion to adjourn at 8:47 pm (Powers/Keadle) Passed.
- All
- BoD Minutes
- Cape Fear Chapter Report
- Triangle Chapter Report
- West Chapter Report