BoD Minutes – July 2022

NCR Board Meeting July 20th, 2022

Attendees: Kit Williams, Bruce Dover, James Shanks, Stephen Miller, Cameron Conover, Al Heatwole, John Bodnar, Anna Crissman, Sam Fouse, Paul Spencer

Guests: Chris Schimmel, Mark Senior, Rob Wilmoth (late), Ben and Megan Tyler (late)

  1. The meeting was called to order at 7:31 pm by Anna Crissman, RE.
  2. Motion to approve the May minutes (Shanks/Miller). Approved.

Order and content of the items listed below reflects the order of discussion, as nearly as possible; not necessarily as they appeared on the published agenda.

Financial Report

Treasurer Sam Fouse had sent the financial report to secretary Kit Williams.

As the details of our finances are confidential, NCR members who wish more information should contact either the Office Manager or any member of the Board of Directors. They are also invited to attend a Chapter Meeting, where such matters are discussed in detail.

Chapter Reports

Cameron Conover reported that the West Chapter had not been able to meet in their usual spot and had essentially been kicked out without warning. He was understandably upset about this, and said the Chapter was looking for a new place to meet. The July meeting had 13 people attend, and they discussed the upcoming SCCA Enduro, the Runoffs, and the Board minutes from May. James Shanks had posted a Triangle Chapter report in the Google Drive, and reported that he met with 5 people. They went over the Board minutes and the upcoming SCCA Enduro. Kit Williams had hosted the Cape Fear Chapter meeting, as there is still no Cape Fear Chapter Coordinator. The Cape Fear meeting had three people who spent the meeting mostly bench racing and just chatting.

Old Business

  1. SCCA Enduro – Anna announced to the Board that the SCCA Enduro planned to take place at VIR on August 6th-7th has been canceled. The SCCA had put out their official announcement that the event had been turned into a test day / Track Night in America event, due to low driver participation numbers for the Enduro. Anna was not sure of the specifics of how the SCCA would run this event and how this would affect our contract with the track, but the event was now being put on entirely by the National office and NCR did not need to be involved any further. After a few questions, Anna clarified that they would not need any of our volunteers to run this event. In general, the Board was disappointed that the Enduro could not go forward as planned, but understood that the low participation numbers would have made for a very difficult weekend financially.
  2. Rockingham Event – Rob Wilmoth reported that the advertising for the event is starting to take off, and our event partner Racing for ALS is promoting the event heavily. We are hoping for a good event with strong numbers. It was brought up that we should be keeping track of spectators for this event, as this will help us in planning for the social and the parade laps. We need a few more volunteers in order to make this event happen, and we expect to have a few more people sign up to help work this race. Ben Tyler suggested that we should have a hospitality space set up to distribute NCR and SCCA information to newcomers, as we expect to have several people at the event who have never been to an NCR event. This was unanimously agreed to be a good idea, and Megan Tyler volunteered to help make this happen. We then discussed the issue of food for the weekend, particularly the social and worker lunches. We are going to be covering lunch for our workers, but it was brought up that the vendors at Rockingham may not be familiar with our normal voucher system that we use at VIR. Al Heatwole and Rob said they would talk to the track about this. They both also mentioned that they need to work out another track visit before the event, and they would plan that out in the coming weeks. Rob also mentioned that the garage rental plan would need some fine tuning, but all of these issues had plenty of time for us to work out before the event on September 10th-11th.

New Business

  1. Runoffs – The Board discussed a scheduling and planning issue for the upcoming 2022 SCCA National Championship Runoffs at VIR. This matter has been asked to be kept private by the SCCA.
  2. March 2023 Planning – The Board discussed a scheduling issue for the 2023 racing season. The Board felt it was best to keep this matter private until plans can be finalized and announced.

Rob Wilmoth brought up that the September Morrisville Cars and Coffee would be a great event to promote Jim’s Race, the Rockingham TT event. The Board agreed and we discussed trying to get as many people and cars there as we could.

Al Heatwole said he had an idea for future road racing event names. He said his idea was to have a Memorial race to honor NCR members who had passed. The Board agreed that this was a good idea and would be looked at in the future.

Motion to Adjourn (Bodnar/Miller). Approved at 8:55pm.

There was discussion after the meeting about a doomsday device that Stephen Miller had spent the meeting constructing.


Please note that all NCR members are welcome to attend NCR Board of Directors meetings.

If any member should have a question about the Region or its activities, please contact the Office Manager or any member of the Board.


Submitted by Secretary, Kit Williams


  • All
  • BoD Minutes
  • Cape Fear Chapter Report
  • Triangle Chapter Report
  • West Chapter Report