BOD Minutes – July 18, 2012
Summary of the Minutes of NCR-SCCA
Monthly Board of Directors Meeting
July 18, 2012
PRESENT: Rex Deffenbaugh, RE, Buddy Matthews, Ron Gentry, Jerry Pell, Steve Keadle, Wayne Quick, James Shanks, Heather Powers, John Uftring, and, via telephone conference call, Sara Snider and Ginny Condrey
1. The NCR BoD’s monthly meeting was called to order by Rex Deffenbaugh, RE, at 7:30 p.m., on Wednesday, July 18, 2012, at Carver’s on Elm Restaurant, 106 West Elm Street, Graham, NC 27253 (Exit 147, I-85/40).
2. The RE introduced guests in attendance: John Uftring and Buddy Matthews.
3. Motion (Shanks/Quick) to approve the Minutes of the June 20, 2012, NCR BoD Meeting; Passed.
Steve Keadle, Treasurer, presented to the BoD a 17-page Financial Report, including a Balance Sheet with Previous Years’ Comparison, reflecting $130,400 of Cash on Hand as of June 30, 2012. A copy of said Financial Report is attached to the minutes. The Financial Report includes a Profit and Loss Statement, with Previous Year Comparison, reflecting the Net Income through June, 2012. The Region’s SOLO Program, to date, has generated approximately $100 in Net Income. The overall Net Income for the Region is more than the Net Income for the same period in 2011. The Financial Report includes a Profit and Loss Report by Class (event), through June, 2012, reflecting Net Income from the March Memories race, the Oak Tree Double National race and the Double SARRC/MARRS race. The allocated General Membership Costs for the period January through June, 2012, was approximately $11,000.
1. SOLO Audits/SOLO Financial System. Steve Keadle reports that the bank account for the SOLO Committee has been set up and checks for this account have been delivered to the Committee, together with a spreadsheet format for reporting income and expenses of the SOLO events. The Treasurer has not yet received any SOLO checks for counter-signature from the SOLO Committee. Steve indicates that he will follow up with the Committee regarding any questions or issues they may have and to help them with their start-up process, in terms of monthly reports and the handling of the SOLO bank account.
2. Formula 1000 Championship Series. The BoD discussed a couple of proposed race schedules for the Goblin Go race event, in October, which event may include two Formula 1000 Races, as a separate race group. The present consensus is that the second proposed schedule will work best from the Competition Board’s point of view. The RE will email to the Members of the BoD a copy of each of the two schedules being considered. A Tarheel Cup race on one of the schedules is shown as the last race on Sunday. Ron Gentry suggests that the Formula 1000 races might be scheduled as the first race after lunch, as a method to accommodate their standing start process, which time slot would accommodate their unique griding process, and may be time saving from a scheduling point of view.
1. Mustang Club Sponsorship. The BoD discussed the Mustang Club Car Show event, wherein interested members of and attendees at the Mustang Club Car Show can receive gate passes to our Region’s Goblin’s Go race event in October, 2012. The BoD authorized the issuance of gate passes for that purpose, to be made available to the Mustang Club’s members and their attendees at their car show who have an interest in attending our SCCA Goblin’s Go race at VIR in October, 2012.
2. Mid-Year Meeting. The RE indicated that the Mid-Year SEDiv. meeting is scheduled for this following weekend and that the memorial names associated with our races at VIR will not change in 2013, except that no memorial name is now affiliated with the Goblin’s Go race or the March Memories race in 2013. The BoD discussed the possibility of the NCR requesting two Double SARRC race events in 2013, as some other SEDiv. Regions have been obtaining permission to do so (holding two Double SARRC race weekend events in the same year). Permission to do so should improve attendance, as Double SARRC weekends seem to draw more entries than Single SARRC weekend events.
3. Super Tour Event. The RE advised that a request has come in from National SCCA that the BF Goodrich Super Tour race event in 2013 in the SEDiv. be run in conjunction with our Region’s Double National Race at VIR, in April, 2013. By Motion the BoD unanimously agreed to accept the Super Tour Event in the SEDiv., in 2013, as part of our Region’s Double National race three day weekend, at VIR, in April, 2013.
1. Chapter:
A. Triangle Chapter: James Shanks, Chapter Coordinator, advises that twenty-three members attended their last Chapter meeting, which was held on a different date, because of the July 4th holiday; their Chapter meeting being held on the 11th of July. The membership viewed in-car videos provided by Mark Senior, from the SARRC/MARRS race in May, 2012, at VIR, and also viewed in-car video from Chuck Hines.
B. West Chapter: Jerry Pell, reporting for John Lindquist, the West Chapter Coordinator, reported on the West Chapter’s meeting held on July 3, 2012.
C. Cape Fear Chapter: No report.
2. Committees
A. Awards: The BoD discussed a request from National SCCA for nominations for the National Worker of the Year Award. Names of some members of the North Carolina Region, who are strong workers, not only within our Region, at our events, but who work outside our Region at other Region’s events and even work events outside the SEDiv., by providing substantial volunteer services to SCCA as corner workers, Stewards, Specialty Chiefs and the like, were suggested.
B. Banquet: No report.
C. Competition Board: Heather Powers advises that the Comp. Board primarily discussed the Formula 1000 race(s) scheduling issue.
D. SOLO Committee: No report.
E. PDX/TT: No report.
F. Membership: James Shanks, Membership Chairman, advises that membership in the Region has decreased from 782 to 739, a reduction of 41 members over the past month. James suggested that membership numbers will increase as our Fall race events come around.
G. Publicity: John Uftring, Publicity Chairman, indicated the next two issues of Sports Car will contain advertising for the Region’s two Fall races at VIR. Based on advertising deadlines, John will attempt to add references to the potential Formula 1000 Races being a part of the Goblin’s Go race event. John indicates that Sports Car has given us a discount of approximately $600 for placing the advertising of our Fall races in the next two issues of Sports Car. Grassroots Motorsports Magazine will also contain an advertisement for our Region’s Fall races at VIR, being the Goblin’s Go and 13-Hour Enduro events. The RE indicated that an email blast will also be used for the two Fall races, as was done for the races earlier this year, in our Region. The BoD discussed the possibility of using some car forums (chat rooms), which are online, to remind people of the 13-Hour Enduro race at VIR in October, 2012.
H. Charities: No report.
Motion to Adjourn (Keadle/Quick) at 8:30 P.M.; Passed.
- All
- BoD Minutes
- Cape Fear Chapter Report
- Triangle Chapter Report
- West Chapter Report