BOD Minutes – February 20, 2013
Summary of the Minutes of NCR-SCCA Monthly Board of Directors Meeting
February 20, 2013
Present: Rex Deffenbaugh, RE, Buddy Matthews, James Shanks, Steve Keadle, John Lindquist, Annie Lindquist, Sam Fouse, Neil Harrison, Steve Rose, Blair Stitt, Jerry Pell, Ginny Condrey, Wayne Quick, Blair Deffenbaugh, Mark Senior, John Uftring, Natasha Euliss-Uftring and, via telephone conference call, Sarah Snider.
1. The NCR BoD’s monthly meeting was called to order by Rex Deffenbaugh, RE, at 7:34 pm on Wednesday, February 20, 2013, at Carver’s on Elm Restaurant, 106 W. Elm St., Graham, NC 27253 (exit 147, I-85/40).
2. The RE introduced guests in attendance: Annie Lindquist, Steve Rose, Blair Stitt, Mark Senior, John Uftring and Natasha Euliss-Uftring.
3. Motion (Lindquist/Keadle) to approve the Minutes of the January 16, 2013, NCR BoD meeting, as corrected for the spelling of the name Condrey; Passed.
Financial Report:
Steve Keadle, Treasurer, presented to the Board his financial report. He advised the Board that the financial information he had requested from the SOLO Committee has been obtained for the year ending 2012. The Region’s cash on hand as of the 20th of February 2013 is approximately $105,000.00.
Old Business:
1. The BoD was advised that the West Chapter elected Buddy Matthews as its Chapter Coordinator.
2. MARRS Status. The RE advises that the DC Region has agreed to the MARRS fee for the 2013 Double SARRC/MARRS race event at VIR, in May, 2013.
3. Advertising 2013. The BoD was advised that 3 full page advertisements are being placed in SportsCar and GRMS for our Region’s races at VIR in 2013 and that an advertisement had also been developed promoting the Region’s 2013 TCPS races, which is to be disseminated through an email blast. There is still a problem with our obtaining a full email list needed for the blast. The ad developed for GRMS Magazine, for its upcoming issue, will be submitted by the deadline of February 21st for publication in the next issue of GRMS. The RE advised of his efforts to work with Rick Myers, at SCCA, to get the email addresses of potential participants (drivers), for sending out to them an email blast, via Motorsports Reg. The intention is to obtain email addresses for SCCA drivers who may not have previously raced with the NCR, together with the email addresses of drivers who have raced with our Region. The consensus of the BoD is that the Region would like to get SCCA to send an email blast to all East Coast SCCA drivers, by coordinating the sending of this email blast, via Rick Myers, who is the source of the email addresses from SCCA.
4. Workers Credits. The BoD continued to discuss the amount of the worker credit and the recommendations previously presented by Eric Danielson and others as to an increase of said amount. Motion (Pell/Lindquist) to increase the worker credit from $30.00 to $35.00 per punch; Passed.
New Business:
1. Registration Facility at VIR. The Board discussed using a different registration site (facility) at VIR. The consensus of the BoD is to rent space in the Senergy Building, in the VIR RacePlex, from noon Friday to noon Sunday, for the March race event, at a cost not to exceed $600.00.
2. Racer Parts Wholesale wants to give out some prizes (merchandise) at our March VIR race, but it is not proposing to sell its products at VIR at the March race. Mark Senior will coordinate this request from RPW, and will check with VIR about allowing RPW to be a NCR “sponsor,” in this way, without incurring a vendor’s fee to VIR.
3. New radios and headsets. The Board was advised that the Region’s radios have been reprogrammed to comply with current FCC regulations. The Region previously budgeted $5,700.00 in 2013 for some new radio equipment (radios and headsets) and to cover the costs of reprogramming the Regions’ radios. The Board was advised that the Region may be in need of some additional radios, especially for the Region’s Double National Majors event at VIR in April, 2013. The Region may need to rent some additional radios for the April event, to meet the requirements of the anticipated large event, expected to be larger than a normal Double National race event at VIR. The Board was advised that through better packaging of headsets for storage, that the breakage level has been cut back substantially.
1. Chapters.
A. Cape Fear Chapter: No report
B. Triangle Chapter: James Shanks, Chapter coordinator, advised that 24 people, including 3 new members (one of whom is a returning old member) attended their last Chapter meeting. The Chapter discussed the upcoming race events at the VIR and viewed a recent in-car video provided by Wayne Quick.
C. West Chapter: Buddy Matthews, the new West Chapter coordinator, and John Lindquist, advised that 19 people attended the last Chapter meeting, including Mr. and Mrs. Wally Becker, two new people who became aware of the West Chapter’s meeting and the activities of the SCCA from attending the Greensboro Auto Show wherein the West Chapter had 4 race cars on display at the Car Show, recently held in Greensboro.
Additional New Business:
The RE advises of an inquiry as to what classes will be authorized to run during our 13 Hour Enduro race in October, 2013. The consensus of the BoD is to at least allow all car classes who were previously allowed to run the 2012 13 Hour Enduro event, to participate in the 2013 race at VIR.
2. Committees.
A. Membership: James Shanks, Membership Chairman, advises 714 members are now in the NCR, which number is holding steady over the last few months. James discussed various other organizations that are competing for motorsports members and how this may be impacting our membership levels.
B. Competition Board: John Lindquist, Assistant RE and Comp. Board Chairman, advised that no Comp. Board meeting has been held since the last Board of Directors meeting. He did advise that the sanction number for the Double National/Majors race at VIR, in April 2013, has been received.
C. SOLO: No report
D. PDX/Time Trial: Mark Senior discussed the efforts being made to try to have a PDX and/or Time Trial event(s) in 2013.
E. Publicity: John Uftring suggested the Region work with a returning veterans group to introduce them to SCCA activities, by providing them with complimentary gate passes to an SCCA race event at VIR this year. The consensus of the BoD was to request that John follow up with his suggestion so that it happens this year.
Steve Rose advises of a potential program being developed by the TCPS group and Eric Davidson to pair up our Region’s workers (volunteers) with some TCPS drivers (teams) for a TCPS race weekend, to promote camaraderie among the drivers and workers.
F. Charity: No report
G. Banquet: No report. No Chairman for this Committee has yet been selected for the 2013 Annual Banquet, to be held in January, 2014.
H. Awards: The awards which were not given out at the NCR Annual Banquet (to the recipients who were not present) will be given out at the March, 2013 Memories race event at VIR.
Motion (Pell/Lindquist) to adjourn at 9:04 pm; Passed
- All
- BoD Minutes
- Cape Fear Chapter Report
- Triangle Chapter Report
- West Chapter Report