BOD Minutes – February 19, 2014
Summary of the Minutes of NCR-SCCA Monthly Board of Directors Meeting
February 19, 2014
PRESENT: Rex Deffenbaugh, Buddy Matthews, John Lindquist, Annie Lindquist, Steve Rose, Blair Stitt, Steve Keadle, Ginny Condrey, Sam Fouse, Mark Senior, Heather Powers and Bruce Dover. Via Telephone: Blair Deffenbaugh and Eric Danielson.
- The NCR BoD meeting was called to order by Rex Deffenbaugh, RE, at 7:31 pm on Wednesday, February 19, 2014, at Rookies Sports Park, 4911 Central Park Dr, Durham, NC 27703.
- The RE introduced guests in attendance: Mark Senior, Annie Lindquist, and Bruce Dover.
- Motion (Shanks/Lindquist) to approve the minutes of the NCR BoD meeting of January 15, 2014; Passed.
FINANCIAL REPORT: There was no formal financial report, but the BoD was advised by Treasurer Steve Keadle that there was $69,000.00 currently in the bank. John Lindquist raised the question of how much money was in the bank as of December 2012 versus December 2013. The BoD was given the numbers by Ginny Condrey. The difference in funds available in December 2013 and January 2014 is a deposit made to VIR to retain our 2014 race dates.
- VIR CONTRACT. Mark Senior pointed out several changes in the contract we have with VIR for our 2014 season. Track rental cost went up $1300 per day and $1800 for the 13 hour event in October. It was noted that we have been told that all clubs pay the same rate. Corner Workers will have to be 18 years of age. Anyone under the age of 18 would have to be approved by VIR, and would have to sign the appropriate waivers. John Lindquist suggested that we add the waiver process in our supplementary regulations. We will also need approval from the track for touring laps such as lunch time drives. Mark also noted some new limitations on parking as well as the new rules for using wood underneath trailer jacks, car jacks, and jack-stands in the paddock as it is now a paved area. VIR is also requiring drip pans to be used in the paddock when fueling cars on any paved surface. After discussion on these new items, it was suggested by Mark Senior that we sign the contract with VIR for the 2014 season.
- NCR Logo. Bruce Dover stated that we are not intending to change the official logo of the NCR-SCCA, but will use different versions depending on the application.
- Toll-Free Phone. Ginny Condrey addressed the BoD about out toll free phone line. As briefly discussed at the last BoD meeting, this is an annual expense to the region. Motion (Lindquist/Fouse) to eliminate the regions toll free phone line. Passed
- SEDIV Convention/Stewards Training. Ginny Condrey stated that reimbursement requests from the SEDIV convention were significant. She suggested that submissions for reimbursement need to be made within two weeks after said event to be able to determine who gets reimbursed what amount rather then sending full reimbursements for each submission. The BoD agreed that it would be feasible to do this as a way to control the budget.
- Letter of intent. Butch Kummer telephoned Rex Deffenbaugh about our letter of intent for the Majors race in April. It was decided by the BoD that we intend to sign the letter.
- SARRC Waiver. Rex Deffenbaugh addressed the BoD about an E-mail from Nick Voight. Nick is the Atlanta Region’s competition director who is asking for a SARRC waiver to be signed by the NCR in order to hold a SARRC race the week after our SARRC/MARRS weekend May 10-11. The race weekend for the Atlanta region is May 17-18 2014. Because of this race being the following weekend, and we are under the 450 mile mark from Road Atlanta, this waiver is required per SARRC rules. CCR would also have to sign this waiver as they have a race scheduled the week after the intended Atlanta weekend, May 24-25 2014. There was a brief discussion about how this might affect us financially. After discussing how NCR has a second double SARRC this year, as well as a Majors, the BoD felt it would be in our best interest to grant this waiver to the Atlanta Region. The BoD agreed to grant the waiver to the Atlanta region.
- E-mail from Steward. Rex addressed the BoD about an E-mail from a NCR steward. Steward is asking the BoD to be reimbursed for steward training in Greenville in April for both fuel and hotel. Also, he was asking the same for the National Convention in March. It was decided that there would be a partial to full refund on the Steward training in Greenville, depending on reimbursement requests and available funds, but only serving BoD members would be reimbursed for the National Convention.
- A BoD member sent a request to Steve Keadle asking for a financial advance in order to attend the National Convention. It was discussed that there will likely be more money in the budget this year since we won’t be paying airfare. Motion (Shanks/Powers) to advance member $295.00 to cover the admission of the convention. Passed
- Rex Deffenbaugh discussed with the BoD about the SEDIV Convention. Rex discussed the new SECS series and how SARRC rules have changed to match the old National racing program. We have added a SECS race to be ran concurrently with our Saturday SARRC/MARRS race in May. Rex committed the Region to this. The BoD was overall pleased with this, as there was little time to make this decision; Rex made the decision, and got NCR included in the SECS program. Also noted was the fact that our TCPS series needs to be added to the schedule for our May event.
- Chapters
a. Cape Fear (No Report)
b. Triangle. James Shanks reported that 16 members attended the last Chapter meeting. They discussed the previous BoD meeting as well as the awards banquet. There was one new member in attendance.
c. West. Buddy Matthews reported that 16 members attended the last Chapter meeting. They discussed the last BoD meeting and also about the changes being made to how workers will be fed at future events. This idea seemed to go well with members. Also discussed at the meeting by Pete Romanowski was whether or not there would be a picnic this year. Buddy discussed this idea with the Board. Last, the West Chapter discussed the changes to VIR including the start stand and the track.
- Committees
- Membership. James Shanks reported that we have 746 members in the NCR. This is the same number as last month.
- Comp Board. It was reported that we will be sending in the sups for the Majors race in the near future.
- Solo. (No Report)
- PDX/Time Trials (No Report)
- Publicity. Bruce Dover reported about working with Constant Contact. He recently did a webinar to learn about what Constant Contact can do. He found that “chat help” was a very useful tool in resolving any issues he had. Sam Fouse reported that the Great Lakes divisions e-mail addresses would be added to our system soon. It was also reported that the entire SEDIV e-mails were updated as well. Reported next was how National sends out a report with new members and how those e-mail addresses can be added to Constant Contact. As of recent, there are 2552 new members. Bruce discussed how the worker mailing list is out of date and how this needs to be a category in the Constant Contact system as well. Of the recent e-mail blast that was sent out, Bruce reported that of 2197 sent out, that over 50 percent of them were opened. The issue was brought up as to why some of us were getting multiple e-mails of the same content. Bruce also mentioned how groups could be created within Constant Contact for each of the Regions Chapters.
Eric Danielson reported that 67 people have signed up for the crash and burn school to be held February 22, 2014. Eric discussed how he got 23 people to sign up the first day of registration by sending an e-mail before registration opened. His e-mail offered a free go-cart ride to the first three people to sign up for the school.
James Shanks passed around the April 2014 issue of Grassroots Motorsports Magazine depicting our Region’s ad that was very well received by the BoD.
- Charities (No Report)
- Banquet. Rex Deffenbaugh mentioned the Wilmington area (Cape Fear Chapter) showed an interest in hosting our banquet next year.
- Awards. Outgoing awards chairman James Shanks announced that one of his last duties would be a report showing all of the award recipients over the last 10 years.
- Steve Keadle mentioned that we still have one more late submission for worker credits.
- It was noted that we would need to find a more suitable location for our next BoD meeting.
Motion (Lindquist/Stitt) to adjourn meeting at 8:48 pm. Passed
- All
- BoD Minutes
- Cape Fear Chapter Report
- Triangle Chapter Report
- West Chapter Report