BoD Minutes – August 2022

NCR SCCA Board Meeting

August 17th, 2022

Attendees: James Shanks, Kit Williams, Bruce Dover, Anna Crissman, Cameron Conover, Sam Fouse, Paul Spencer, Al Heatwole, John Bodnar (late)

Guests: Ben Tyler, Lee Hill, Rob Wilmoth, Ron Munnerylyn (late)

  1. The meeting was called to order at 7:37 pm by Anna Crissman, NCR RE.
  2. Motion to approve the minutes from the July meeting (Shanks/Williams). Approved.

Order and content of the items listed below reflects the order of discussion, as nearly as possible; not necessarily as they appeared on the published agenda.

Cameron Conover made an announcement that he would be stepping down as the West Chapter Coordinator and that Lee Hill would be the new chapter coordinator. This change would take effect at the next West Chapter meeting.

Financial Report

Sam Fouse had sent an email with the financial report to the secretary, Kit Williams.

As the details of our finances are confidential, NCR members who wish more information should contact either the Office Manager or any member of the Board of Directors. They are also invited to attend a Chapter Meeting, where such matters are discussed in detail.

Chapter Reports

Cameron Conover was not able to attend the West Chapter meeting, so Lee Hill had led the meeting. Lee said they had roughly 10 people and met at Elizabeth’s Pizza, which was a new location for the Chapter. He said they had a good meeting and seemed to enjoy their new location. James Shanks had posted a Triangle Chapter report to the Region’s Google Drive. He said they met with 12 people, including 2 new members. They discussed upcoming events and had a car related trivia competition. The Cape Fear Chapter did not have a meeting this month. Kit Williams, the former coordinator, has been hosting the meetings this year as there is still no Cape Fear Chapter coordinator. Kit was not available at the time of the meeting, and no one else held the meeting, so there was no meeting.

Kit reported that the registration has closed for the Solo program’s next events on September 17th-18th. They have 55 drivers for Saturday and 36 drivers for Sunday. If they are not able to get more drivers for Sunday, they may not be able to have a race.

Old Business

  1. August Event: Anna gave the Board an overview of the August 6th-7th SCCA event at VIR, which was originally scheduled to be an Enduro event with NCR but had to be rescheduled into a test day and Track Night due to low registration for the Enduro. Anna said it ended up being a good event, and the drivers that attended seemed to have a good time. The Board wanted to know what would be done with this event date next year and if the Enduro series would return or if we would be having our own event in August. Anna said she was not sure of the plans for next year and while she brought this up with the SCCA National office during the event, they were also not sure about next year’s plans. Lee Hill, who is on the Enduro National Board, said they were unsure of their plans for next year at this time.
  2. Jim’s Race at Rockingham: Rob Wilmoth reported that registrations for the upcoming Time Trial at Rockingham on September 10th-11th are lower than expected. We have been promoting the event along with Racing for ALS, but at the time of the meeting there were only 12 drivers signed up. Rob wasn’t sure of any specific reason for the low numbers, but did mention that during other organizations recent events at Rockingham, the rough track surface made for difficult conditions for drivers, especially as other events had not blown the track off before running, leading to several cracked windshields. We have already planned with the track to blow the surface off twice per day. There was more discussion about the event and how it could be further promoted. Rob reported that the event may get a sponsor through Racing for ALS but that was unconfirmed at this time, but he estimated our break even number for driver registrations to be close to 40 drivers. Rob then asked what equipment could be collected from the Speed Suite, as he would be at VIR the next day for a Track Night in America. Ben Tyler and Kit Williams asked him to grab four additional fire bottles, and Ben ensured that Bruce would help him get 4 good bottles. All other equipment needed would be brought by Stephen Miller, who still has all of our supplies from the NCCAR TT in June.

New Business

  1. SCR Time Trial at CMP: Anna brought up a request from the South Carolina Region to assist them with an issue they are having with their planned event at CMP in November. They are planning to have a Time Trial in the day, and possibly host a nighttime Enduro race on Saturday. They are setting up registration for this event and plan to open it soon. However, the track is requesting a deposit to hold the track for their planned event date. SCR has asked us to assist them and pay half of this deposit with them, with the promise of SCR reimbursing us this deposit in the future as the revenue from the event will allow them to do this. Anna made a motion to pay South Carolina Region $5000 to cover half of the track deposit for their November event at CMP. Seconded by Sam Fouse. The motion passed unanimously.
  2. SIC Driver Incentive: Ron Munnerlyn addressed the Board with a proposal to promote the SARRC Invitational Championship, the SEDiv’s annual end of year championship races. Ron said he had been going around to the regions in the South East Division with the goal of improving the SIC and drawing in more participants, both drivers and volunteers. Ron proposed the Region should offer a free NCR event entry to be given away at the event, and to also consider offering something for the workers at the event. Ron said he had several other regions agree to his proposal already. Anna said she felt this was a great idea, and the Board in general agreed. Discussion was had that we would give away one free race entry and that for the workers, something non-specific like a $50 gift card would be the easiest thing to do. Anna made a motion to give away at the SIC 2 SARRC race entries for the May 2023 Regional Race at VIR up to $550 value, and to give 4 $50 gift cards to the SIC workers. Sam Fouse seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

Motion to adjourn (Heatwole/Shanks) – Passed at 8:52pm.


Please note that all NCR members are welcome to attend NCR Board of Directors meetings.

If any member should have a question about the Region or its activities, please contact the Office Manager or any member of the Board.


Submitted by Secretary, Kit Williams


  • All
  • BoD Minutes
  • Cape Fear Chapter Report
  • Triangle Chapter Report
  • West Chapter Report