BOD Minutes – April 22, 2015
Summary of Minutes of NCR-SCCA Monthly Board of Directors Meeting
April 22, 2015
Present: Sam Fouse, Mike Spencer, Buddy Matthews, James Shanks, Rex Deffenbaugh, Blair Stitt, Heather Powers, Steve Rose, Steve Keadle, Bruce Dover, Ginny Condrey, and via conference call, John Byers, Blair Deffenbaugh, and Eric Danielson.
1. The NCR BoD meeting was called to order by Rex Deffenbaugh, RE, at 7:38 pm, on Wednesday, April 22nd, 2015 at Pipers Deli, 3219 Old Chapel Hill Rd, Durham, NC, 27707.
2. The RE introduced guests in attendance, Bruce Dover.
3. Motion (Spencer/Stitt) to approve the minutes of March 18th, 2015. Passed
Financial Report: Treasurer Steve Keadle reported that the Region is down approximately $4,400 thru March 2015. The Region currently holds $84,282 in the bank. It is noted that we are down less than last year at this point. A profit and loss budget vs. actual sheet as well as a balance sheet was provided for the record.
1. Chapters
a. Cape Fear: John Byers reported that there was discussion at the last Chapter meeting about the Timing & Scoring trailer and how it is time to start shopping for a new one. There was also discussion about the last event at Black Water in which a driver found himself in the pond. Last, John reported there was discussion on the upcoming novice school.
b. Triangle: James Shanks reported that 20 members attended the last Chapter meeting.
c. West: Buddy Matthews reported that there was discussion on the new Code 35 being imposed by VIR at the last Chapter meeting. Also discussed was the upcoming picnic which will be at the same venue as last year.
2. Committees
a. Membership: James Shanks reported that we currently have 791 members in the NCR.
b. Competition Board: Mike Spencer reported that the Competition Board will meet via conference call next Tuesday, April 28th, 2015. It was reported that the Region received mostly positive feedback from the April Majors event, and that National was very pleased with how the event was run.
c. Solo: No report.
d. PDX/TT: No report.
e. Publicity: Bruce Dover reported that an e-mail had been sent out advertising the Majors event, and there will be one sent out soon regarding the SARRC/MARRS as well as the picnic, Goblins Go, and 13 hour events.
f. Charities: Ginny Condrey reported that the Region collected $132 for our diabetes charity from the March event, and over $1000 from the Majors which will be donated to the Ronald McDonald charity.
g. Banquet: No report.
h. Awards: No report.
Old Business:
1. Region History: James Shanks reported that he would like to update the Region’s history on the website. Bruce Dover had mentioned that he had found a 132 page history that had been put together by Janet Bruce a number of years ago. Bruce will be able to make this a link in which anyone who is interested will be able to look at thru our website. James suggested that it would also be nice to put bios of some of our more seasoned members up as well. James suggested members with 25 years plus.
2. Hospitality Tent: James Shanks and Sam Fouse have officially revived the Region’s hospitality tent. Located between the fuel pumps and the Pagoda on the grassy area, drivers, crew and anyone walking past were able to find all kinds of merchandise. Some of the items were, decals, free razors, hats, and drivers were able to get grid sheets almost immediately. Other members gave time to work the tent as well, including John Lindquist and Jean Quick. This location was also used to distribute worker gifts. James would like to see that the driver who donated all the razors that were given away free of charge, receive a discount on a future Majors event. James also mentioned that we didn’t get much response out of the freebies given by VIR which included a free nights lodging and dinner at the Oak Tree Tavern. Sam Fouse added that working the tent and conversing with so many people was actually quite fun.
3. Club Office Position: Ginny Condrey expressed to the BoD that they will need to make a decision about a new Office Manager very soon. Ginny recommends Bruce Dover who has shown an interest in the job. Motion (Matthews/Fouse) to hire Bruce Dover for the position of Office Manager. Passed
New Business:
1. SARRC/MARRS Supps: Rex Deffenbaugh circulated race supps for the upcoming MARRS/SARRC at Summit Point on June 20th and 21st 2015. No one had any issues with the supps, but we will need to check on finishing positions to see if MARRS drivers will have finishing positions separate from SARRC drivers.
2. VIR concerns: It is noted that VIR (Kerrigan) had some issues with how the Majors event was run. There are some questions that he would like answered. This will be discussed via e-mail or at the next BoD meeting.
3. Fence Jumpers: Noted for the record, Sam Fouse reported that he did not give permission to a photographer to “jump the fence”.
4. Twitter updates: Blair Deffenbaugh reported that he did several updates on Twitter during the Majors event. Our “followers” went from 117 to 138 in doing so. Updates on Facebook took us from 900 to 1016.
5. Station 7: Eric Danielson reported that Chuck Stanley is concerned that workers are not safe at Station 7 at VIR. Eric spoke to several other flag chiefs who all felt the station was safe to be occupied.
Motion to adjourn at 9:10pm (Stitt/Shanks) Passed.
- All
- BoD Minutes
- Cape Fear Chapter Report
- Triangle Chapter Report
- West Chapter Report