BoD Minutes – April 18, 2018

Minutes of NCR-SCCA Monthly Board of Directors Meeting

April 18, 2018

Present: Heather Clark, Anna Crissman, Rex Deffenbaugh, Bruce Dover, Sam Fouse, Buddy Matthews, Heather Powers, Mark Senior, Joedy Pennington, Bob Brookfield and via conference call, Morgan Mehler, Ben Tyler, Kit Williams, and Eric Danielsen. James Shanks and Blair Deffenbaugh did not attend.

  1. The meeting was called to order by RE Sam Fouse at 7:27 PM on Wednesday April 18, 2018 at Piper’s Deli, 3219 Old Chapel Hill Road, Durham, NC, 27707.
  2. Joedy Pennington, and Bob Brookfield attended as guests in person and Ben Tyler and Eric Danielsen attended as guest via conference call.
  3. Motion to approve previous minutes as posted on the Google Drive (Senior/ RDeffenbaugh) Passed.

Order of items below does not necessarily reflect as they appeared in the published agenda

Financial report:

Treasurer Heather Powers reported $147k in the checking account not including $77k check to VIR; $77k in the money market account and $5500 in the solo account. There was also a discussion of SEDiv fees that were incorrectly identified as delinquent, the SARRC car/trophy fund, and approved funding for radios/headsets.

Old Business:

The group had a general Majors Race debriefing including:

a. Avoiding early starts to avoid unnecessary overtime charges

b. Wifi issues and possible need for a “hot spot”

c. Registration needs including food Friday

d. Distributing water to pit and grid

e. Issues with track staff being on station to control the Paddock on Friday

f. The desire for a better system for worker gift tickets

g. The need for an EV controller in the tower to coordinate hot and cold track situations

h. The need for a list of Control/Steward/Race Chair protocols for all events

i. The need to control noise in the Control Room

j. The need to refine the number of golf carts for all events

k. An attaboy for the efforts of or outgoing and Paddock Marshal in training

New Business

  1. The RE discussed the need for a work day at the Speed Suite. Suggested it be scheduled after the May race.
  2. The need for better trash control at speed suite was also mentioned.
  3. The value of a freezer in the Speed Suite was discussed and Buddy Matthews noted he had one he could donate to the region.
  4. Kit Williams reported on the Solo2 event held in Myrtle Beach. The event was a 2-day North vs South challenge type event and included 20 competitors from NCR vs 50 competitors from the South Carolina Region (SCR) – NCR won the challenge and it was reported to be an awesome event.
  5. The upcoming Time Trial (TT) taking place at Carolina Motorsports Park in Kershaw SC on the Memorial Day weekend was discussed. This event is being jointly hosted by NCR, SCR, and the Atlanta Regions. The event would test a new format. It was noted they had enough workers but are looking for more drivers. The eligibility of cars of various preparation was discussed and it is recommended that those interested review the rules for the event to determine if their car can run. It was noted this type of event is a bridge from the Solo program to road racing.
  6. The desire to find a better way to use credit cards for registration was discussed.
  7. The Board discussed and approved a drive refund request from the Majors race (Senior/Clark). Passed.
  8. The Board discussed a request to waive NCR dues based on a member previously serving on the SCCA National Board. The rewuest was discussed and tabled until the policy referenced could be researched further.
  9. The RE noted he received comments regarding reducing the length of ECR events for the May race and the cost of registration. It was noted that the ECR races were shortened for this event due to the desire to include more race groups and stay within the available time. It was also noted that the RE has compared NCR registration fees to those of other regions and ours are comparable and attractive when including multiple race discounts.
  10. The RE noted that the 2019 Runoffs will require sound control and that the NCR sound equipment is in poor condition so SCCA National will need to supply the necessary equipment and coordinate with NCR and the track ahead of time to identify an appropriate location. It was also noted that for the Runoffs, SCCA National provides their own staff to run the race but will likely use NCR staff for backup and local/track expertise.
  11. Based on the large numbers of volunteers in some specialties at the Majors Race, the Board discussed the possibility of placing limits on volunteers for future events.

The RE moved to adjourn at 8:55PM (Senior/Clark). Passed

Submitted by your humble servant Mark Senior (as a poor substitute of our outstanding Secretary, James Shanks)


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