BOD Minutes – September 18, 2013

Summary of the Minutes of NCR-SCCA Monthly Board of Directors Meeting
September 18, 2013

PRESENT: Rex Deffenbaugh, RE, Steve Keadle, John Lindquist, Annie Lindquist, Buddy Matthews, Jerry Pell, James Shanks, Mark Senior, Steve Rose, Bruce Dover, Ginny Condrey and, via telephone conference call, Blair Deffenbaugh

1.   The NCR BoD Monthly Meeting was called to order by Rex Deffenbaugh, RE, at 7:27 PM on Wednesday, September 18, 2013, at Carver’s on Elm Restaurant, 106 West Elm St., Graham, NC 27253 (Exit 147, I-85/40).

2.   The RE introduced guests in attendance:  Annie Lindquist, Mark Senior, Bruce Dover and Steve Rose.

3.   Motion (Shanks/Lindquist) to approve the minutes of the NCR BoD meeting of August 21, 2013; Passed.


   Steve Keadle, Treasurer, advised the BoD that there were no significant revenues in August, as there were no NCR race events in August.  As of the end of August 2013 the NCR had approximately $90,000.00 in the bank; further, through the end of August, the NCR had a net negative income for the first eight months of the year.  The Treasurer advises that the net loss is mainly attributed to overhead costs, as the racing revenues in 2013 have covered the direct costs of the 2013 racing expenses.  The Treasurer presented a written Profit and Loss Statement through August, 2013, reflecting income and expenses thru August, 2013, as well as a Balance Sheet with Previous Year Comparison, as of August 31, 2013.


1.   Email Database Update.  As Sam Fouse was not able to attend this BoD meeting, no update was presented.

2.   Membership Picnic.  The picnic for all NCR members is scheduled for September 28, 2013, at Northeast Park of Guilford County, 4010 High Rock Rd., Gibsonville, NC.  Lunch at the picnic will be served between 2:00 PM and 3:00 PM, though the rented facility is available for our use from 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM.  Buddy Matthews encourages all NCR members to now sign up, via the Region’s website and its link with Motorsports Reg., so that an accurate headcount can be obtained.


1.   Phil Hennrich.  The BoD discussed the open letters from SCCA members, now appearing on the Region’s website, to honor the memory of the late Phil Hennrich.  Letters from Chuck Stanley, James Shanks and others have been posted on our Region’s website, honoring our late member, Phil Hennrich.  Anyone else who wishes may also write a letter about Phil, and Bruce Dover  will put the letter(s) on our Region’s website.  James Shanks passed on to the BoD a suggestion that the Region create a sticker to honor the memory of Phil, featuring the saying, “Moving Right Along”, which was Phil’s most popular saying.

2.   2014 Crash and Burn School.  Steve Keadle suggested that the NCR should, again, in 2014, have a Crash and Burn School and as the go-kart track in Danville that was used for the last school is no longer operating, that maybe the VIR go-kart track could be used for the school.  It was also suggested that we invite all VIR corner workers to participate in the school.  Steve estimated the cost of the school, which cost covers a lunch for all the attendees, the cost of refilling the fire bottles used at the school, the go-kart track rental fee and the cost of printing of the lesson plans.  Eric Danielson, Flagging Chief for the Region, has suggested some good ideas for the school, including the preparation of written course materials (lesson plan).  The BoD discussed the need for a Crash and Burn School and discussed including a line item in the NCR 2014 budget to fund the cost of the Crash and Burn School.  It was also suggested that the Region should invite corner workers from other SCCA regions to attend the NCR Crash and Burn School.  Another way suggested to handle the budget issue, to cover the cost of the school, is to increase the 2014 budget item for F and C, to cover the cost of this school.

3.   Tarheel Cup Pro-Series:  Steve Rose, TCPS Administrator, advised the BoD that the Series is working on the idea of giving out, at the end of the year, certificates (vouchers) entitling the recipients (TCPS Class Champions) to use the certificates at face value against the cost of a future entry fee for a TCPS race at VIR.  The certificates or vouchers would be given out to the TCPS champions of their classes at the Region’s Annual Banquet.  These certificates would not replace the cash prizes paid to drivers on a race by race basis, awarded pursuant to the TCPS rules, but would serve as a year end prize given to the Champions of the classes racing in the TCPS series.  The TCPS would purchase, at full face value, the certificates from the NCR, which process will thus return to the NCR entry fee dollars equal to the amount of the certificate awarded.


1)   Chapters

      a.  Cape Fear :  No report.

      b.  Triangle:  James Shanks, Chapter Coordinator, advised that 21 people attended their last chapter meeting, wherein the members talked about some of the Region’s new business matters and introduced the new members at their chapter meeting.  The chapter members also discussed the Supps. formulated for the 13 Hour race at VIR in 2013.

      c.  West:  Buddy Matthews, Chapter Coordinator, advised that 15 people attended their last chapter meeting, wherein the chapter members discussed the NCR’s September 28, 2013 picnic and also discussed the BoD’s recent directive establishing food cost control measures for the last two NCR race events at VIR in 2013.  The West Chapter membership supports less expensive food for these race events, but encourages the continuation of a beer party for workers, typically held on Saturday evening.

2)   Committees

      a.  Awards:  No report.

      b.  Banquet:  The RE indicated the NCR still needs a chairperson for the 2013 Annual Banquet, to be held in January 2014; the RE will check with the former chairperson of the Banquet Committee to see if she is willing to chair the Banquet Committee for the 2013 annual banquet, to be held in January 2014.

      c.  Comp. Board:  No report.

      d.  Solo:  No report.

      e.  PDX/TT:  Mark Senior, Chairperson, advises that he has talked with the former Tarheel Sports Car Club, (“TSCC”) President about our two organizations doing some PDX/TT type events together, on a cooperative basis, at VIR.  Even if that is not possible, Mark suggested that the TSCC would appreciate our Region promoting the TSCC’s PDX programs at VIR.

      f.  Membership:  James Shanks advises membership in the NCR this month is 717, an increase of 4 members from last month.

      g.  Publicity:  James Shanks advises that the NCR’s magazine advertisements for our last two race events at VIR this year have been completed and the advertisements have been placed for publication.  James also advised that he is attempting to secure a reduced in size copy of our Region’s magazine advertisements (copy) for the Region’s use in its anticipated email blast program, promoting NCR races at VIR.

      h.  Charities:  No report as to charities, however, James Shanks advised of an upcoming program at the North Carolina Museum of Modern Art featuring an exhibit of historical Porsches.  The exhibit will run from October 12th into early 2014.  Tickets are $18.00, but an annual membership fee for the museum is $40.00, which will gain the “member” entry to the exhibit.  The exhibit of the vintage Porsches, which were sent from Germany, have been touring our country at other venues this year.  James Shanks will put some information about the North Carolina Museum of Modern Art’s exhibit of the Porsches on our Region’s website.


   Buddy Matthews inquired as to the process to obtain reimbursement of gasoline expenses for the workers who went to VIR and worked on the residing and rehabilitation of the Region’s Scales Room at VIR.  The Treasurer suggested the use of the Region’s expense reimbursement form would be the best process to use.

   Inquiries as to the proposed (tentative) 2014 SEDiv race schedule were discussed.  Our March 2014 race at VIR is tentatively shown as being on March 1st and 2nd, 2014, not on March 8th and March 9th, because March 8th and March 9th is the weekend of the SCCA National Convention in Charlotte.  VIR is considering our request for a change of date to March 1-2, 2014.

   The members of the NCR BoD were reminded that the October, 2013 NCR BoD meeting will be on the 9th of October, to avoid a conflict with our October 2013 Goblins Go Race event at VIR.

Motion (Keadle/Pell) to adjourn at 8:30 PM; Passed.


  • All
  • BoD Minutes
  • Cape Fear Chapter Report
  • Triangle Chapter Report
  • West Chapter Report